Friday, October 16, 2009

Canada: Accepting American Republican Refugees

I look at the faces of the people at the Obama protests, and I see fear. Where Bill Maher views these crowds and deduces that it is a debate that can only be spurred by racism; I see a lot of people concerned that their government is setting up to spend untold billions, if not trillions, of dollars on ambitious social programs. There is a real threat that if the Dems push ahead there could be irreparable harm done to the American economy. The folly of Bush was that he engaged in war time spending without ever really trimming the fat from government. Jim Cramer tried to warn his friends at the democratic party when the agenda first hit the legislature, and Jon Stewart ate him alive. They should have all listened to Cramer.

Fortunately Canada has a Conservative government and is on the right path. We are concerned what the consequences will be when the American consumer no longer has the strength of ten ordinary men, but our books and financial sector (coupled with resource abundance) will assure Canada never hits the same lows. To any Americans Republicans concerned about taking a ride on the Hindenburg, Canada welcomes you! We are flying a steady, reliable Bombardier right now. The Dems are flying the Hindenburg and they are just passing Greenland.

You can sell your American dollars and buy the much stronger Canadian dollars. Come to Canada and buy some real estate and invest your savings in our stock market. Sure Canada is socialist even by Democrat standards, but Prime Minister Harper is definitely to the right of Obama and we are trending away from what you are trending towards. Gerard Kennedy wants to accept American war deserters, I say let's take some Republican America deserters. I trust some of you are at least waiting for November 2010 to see if it swings back the other before you flee from the disaster.

I am reminded of that scene from the Day After Tomorrow when they see the storm is coming and Qaid asks “what do we do?” And wise old scientist desperately says “save as many as you can.” That’s what I am trying to do right now for my American Republican counterparts. I’m trying to save as many of you as I can. There is a storm coming and it is safer on the northern side of the border.


  1. Our Prime Minister also had the good sense to R.S.V.P his boycott of Ahmandeniejad at the UN.

  2. Obama is an immigrant. (real conservative)

  3. What does that have to do with anything? People on the right writing things like that does not help our cause.

  4. Iceman, "Anonymous" may very well be a Rabid Leftist troll just trying to discredit your blog. Why else would she/he/it feel the need to write "real conservative" beside his stupid statement.

    On the racist front, the most blatant example I've seen of this false charge is from Australia.

    Around the same time I read this nonsense, I watched the Monty Python Silly Walk video on YouTube. This got me thinking: If next week Obama announced a Federal Department of Silly Walks, you just know that the usual suspects will:

    a) Support it wholeheartedly.
    b) Accuse anyone who laughed at the idea as being a racist.

    The level of intelligent discourse in our world today is so pathetically minimal.
