Monday, October 26, 2009

Liberals at 25%?

Ironically earlier today I was reading some Blogging Tory posts claiming that the sky is falling over Logo-Gate, even free falling. Where I get confused is when I visit and see this story featured as the main story on the main page. What was the deal with the BT carrion call earlier today? Are you guys going to say oops?

Is it a coincidence that my page views are growing as Ignatieff's opinion numbers are declining? Far be it from me present a hypothesis, but I could make a chart like Al Gore that charts my growing page views against Ignatieff's approval numbers and present a strong inverse correlation. Cause and effect, or caused by effect? Deep.


  1. The rise of yours and the fall of the Igneutered's are logical trend-lines in the current political atmosphere. You've shown a popular creativity and purpose for the readership, while the listless Libs continue their escalator down ride, waning and whining. Still, it is a surprise to many that Deeyawn, the predecessor to their current IGNOBLE front-man, actually would have achieved better in an election. Just as the sky's the limit for PMSH, the floor appears to be no limit for the LPC.

  2. They don't understand the problem do they?

    If they let their members debate and decide policy, then they would have a standard to measure the leadership contenders. Without that the leadership contenders can say anything and everything to anyone and never be found wanting. The other side of that observation is that it leaves a huge void by which any leadership hopeful can be defined.
    "we didn't get it done" a prime example.
    It only accerbates the problem if the leader is appointed, not elected.
    They better let their members debate policy next time or the exodus will make the demise of the federal PC party look like a sunday stroll in the park.

  3. Liberals and their cheering media, have 'faux scandaled' themselves into obscurity.

    They have lodged themselves in the mud,
    and can't find a narrative to get unstuck, because this Conservative government has been allowed to completely run the show, and have out performed expectations.
    (Harper get's to wear this recession,
    and it's looking good on him!)

    Since wafer-gate, it's been all down hill.
    Canadians get wafers and door knobs instead of that adult conversation they were promised....

    Harper majority!
