Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nearly conquered by the Legions of Adler Nation

I started this "best pundit" poll curious to know which Canadian pundit the people who visit my site trust the most for opinion. Through the first 2 days of the poll, Charles Adler had pulled out to a %14 lead over the candidate that I endorsed, Andrew Coyne. I thought that Adler might be curious to know that he was winning my poll, so I sent him an e-mail. Evidently he liked it, because he encouraged the Legions of Adler Nation to visit the poll and vote. It was almost like Saruman rallying the hoards at Eisengard (which is not to suggest that people who listen to Adler Online are Orcs, because I am also a loyal listener, this is for fun). Within minutes my site was swarming with "Adlerites", like when the Urukai came storming into Helm's Deep after the wall was breached. My site traffic jumped by roughly %550 from the previous day.

The influx of new people voted overwhelmingly for Charles Adler, and his lead jumped from 14% to 49% in 24 hours. Vladimir Putin is jealous of that margin of victory! I am standing by my candidate Andrew Coyne like Aragorn defending "the Keep". I'm holding off the citizens of Adler Nation just waiting for Gandalf to come with re-enforcements. "Look for my coming on the first light of the 5th day." I am mildly annoyed that Chantal Hebert keeps getting votes, but I suppose her voice resonates despite how often I disagree with her. Adler is certainly the best "personality pundit", but for the best pure opinion, I agree most often of all with Coyne.

I do listen to the Adler show most nights. Sometimes I can't always be near a radio. I listened to his Tuesday Show on CKNW 980 in Vancouver and thought it was magnificent! He did something in that interview with the climate "change" advocate that Coyne could never duplicate in a live interview. The guy started making his argument, and it was comparable to watching "Leopard Week" on the Discovery Channel except in sound on the radio. Adler locked in. Chuck just cut right through all the fluff and isolated the glaring contradictions with short direct rebuttals. It was fantastic! I trust that he has the link to the interview prominently displayed on his website www.charlesadler.com, because I think everyone in the country needs to listen to it! Especially as this army of enviro-activists prepare to invade strategic ridings in Quebec and Ontario with the stated objective of frightening your children.

If the climate is unpredictable, how can you tell people that what you are predicting will happen? To anyone on the front line of opinion, just stick to the math. What is happening is not what was predicted, and we are learning more and more that the predictions were made based on deeply flawed data. It was always an attack on consumption. I think Marx sets aside several chapters in his combined manifestos about the evil of consumption. Marx got it wrong. Look at the evidence of failed states, which Cuba and Venezuela are works in progress. Let's move on.


  1. And if you happen to spot a grammar mistake in my writing, fantastic for you. I have no editor, no filter, and no English Lit Degree. I minored in History at University. I write about 3000 words a day, of that I publish maybe 65%, and I work for a living. I don't get paid to blog. I'm sure that I have made mistakes. There is no prize awarded to those who point out grammar mistakes.

  2. Well you said your poll was about analysis and often the best info is not gleaned from an echo chamber. Hence the popularity of Hebert.

  3. If you're in Vancouver, are you going to the Hollywood theatre this Sunday to watch "Not Evil, Just Wrong" ?

    Robert W.

  4. Good piece. I really enjoyed it.
