Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where should the Prime Minister go for Information?

The early results from my "should the PM be forced to watch Man-bridge every night" poll is thus far unanimously no. Which then begs the next poll question, where should the PM go for information of government issues? A child is presumed trap in an experimental air craft over Guelph heading towards Kitchener, the dad has stared in reality TV and is currently seeking his own show. Do you want the Prime Minister to base his decisions on live coverage on CBC Newsworld, or would you like him to meet with his Cabinet Ministers?

Easy question, but I put it to you. The act of running the government was not designed to be based on CBC Newsworld. The leader gets on the phone with the people on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Well when Neil Macdonald and Peter Mansbridge try to tell us that Sarah Palin's daughter is 5 months pregnant AND the mother of a 4 1/2 month old baby then maybe it's time to just turn the whole mess off for good.
