Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hopenhaven; Show Me The Money!

The Yes Men want to shut down Alberta and have Canada transfer more money to Robert Mugabe; Yes we can, or so demands Mugabe. My mom used to tell me "Gimme Gimme never get, don't you know your manners yet?" Forget that if we shut down the oil patch, there will be a collapse of government revenue, meaning that we will have tens of billions of dollars less revenue with which to meet those lofty targets.  Once you hear tyrants like Mugabe demanding your money, it is time to stop and reflect.  The Yes Men want the right to preach to us what we should do and believe, but they are drama nerds, who are we to disagree?

The environment seems to have been lost in the shuffle somewhere as all these "dignitaries" hurry to reach a wealth transfer agreement before the end of the Conference. The "undeveloped" Nations have been more demanding than I can ever remember them being at any such conference ever before. The bozos like Bono and Geldoff have been promoting the wrong approach for decades, and it hasn't been working. You could even argue that all that live aid helped facilitate an unsustainably high population growth rates which now means there are even more lives at risk then there were before. The direct money transfer system did not work.

How much money have we dumped into that sink hole over the last 20 years? 10 Trillion dollars? 20 Trillion dollars? What has changed? There is just as much if not more civil war, lawlessness, and suffering as there ever was. We need to discuss a solution above direct wealth transfer, which seems to be all they are talking about in the dying days of Hopenhaven. So long as there are oppressive regimes ruling over their citizens with the iron fist of their army, militia, or secret police; we should have a strategy to remove them from office. I'm really sad that Robert Mugabe is permitted to run a country, because his contribution to the planet is not positive. The old method of blindly transferring wealth does not help, in fact in several instances it makes things worse because the money and resources always find their way to the crazies with guns.

Just out of curiosity, what will be the final price tag on this whole charade when all is said and done? How much did tax payers around the globe just get milked for? By the end of the Conference it became all about the money, and how much of it would be transferred. They are not even trying to hide it anymore.

I don't have the brilliant solution to the problem, but I'm sure that it lies somewhere at the intersection of freedom, capitalism, and democracy.


  1. "... I don't have the brilliant solution to the problem, but I'm sure that it lies somewhere at the intersection of freedom, capitalism, and democracy."

    You do have a solution - we all do. Say "no". Stop rewarding behavior that is counter-productive.

    Iceman - this is your best post.

    michael st.paul's

  2. All I want to hear about is Alberta Seperation.

  3. Why doesn't the government just come out and tell Canadians what all this is going to cost them? I'm sure that the average middle and lower income families will quickly become deniers if they realized how much their standard of living is going to be reduced.

  4. The solution is simply to stop sending money. Let these perpetual panhandlers stand on their own two feet. The more we send, the more we are maligned and ridiculed.
    This charade of handouts has been going on since I was a kid back in the fifties. It hasn't solved anything except to generate more charities asking for more money.

  5. Mugabe should be at the hague being tried for the atrocities he has done to his people for his own self indulgence. People like should be thrown into jails; the same goes for HUGO CHAVEZ.
    Thess two men of many dictators are the types CBC CTV FIFE CLARK and the rest of them admire more and they are the types the likes of hugo chavez mugabe would embrace to do their dirty work just as they are doing for the liberals.

  6. Please, please tell me this global warming insanity will stop. Enough already.

  7. totally agree with your observation about an unsustainable pop growth due to the meddling of bono and geldoff. i posted in a local newspaper about that very same thing and the criticism that i took for being a "nasty and mean spirited rightwinger" was a little over the top i thought. i told them that an area of land could sustain only 5 people naturally, the introduction of foreign aid may increase the pop to say 20 but the land still would only produce for 5. so you either broke it and bought it or you let nature restore the balance. i chose the latter and the lefties hated me for it. truth in nature is harsh but the leftwing arrogance of being smarter than nature always amazes me.

