Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ignatieff Dances With Grizzlies

I remember when Iggy was first introduced to us back when he returned from his 30 year vacation and he was pitched as a centrist Liberal who would be able to tame the far left with his "big ideas"; but a year into his leadership, the only parallels I see in Iggy's relationship with the Kady O'Malley's of the country are being similar to that Grizzly Bear Man. That nut who thought he was a Grizzly Bear and that he could live and communicate with them. At the end, he was eaten by a Grizzly Bear. I know how much the LPC appreciates an advocate like O'Malley, but following her lead is like following Custer into Little Bighorn. She may be a clever writer, but in terms of speculation and predictions, she is so far lost in left field that her visions of the future all crash and burn. And yet she is held in incredible esteem by her CBC handlers. It amazes me, as Iggy, the Grizzly Man heeds her advice...

For the record, I wanted my last two posts to be one post, but I could not decide which title I liked more; crying with wolves, or dances with grizzlies, so I spliced it in two.


  1. When Macleans lost the Kady-Wherry team,
    there were tears, commentors were so so sad ...but Coyne filled the void.

    Wherry is still on Macleans payroll to inspire liberal partisanship with daily anti-Con posts from every QP and committee.
    And then Coyne bleats on and on about party partisans destroying democracy....look in a mirror Coyne

  2. I still like a possible book on Iggy called: Ignatieff in Canada: Lost in the Woods.

  3. O'Malley and her creature-in-arms, Evan Soloman, make a perfect pairing for the CBC. Both are left-wing, big government supporters who see the intrusion of the bureaucratic social engineers into the public's daily lives as one more step toward a Utopian society. Each of them loves the Liberals and the NDP and detest both Conservatives and conservatives. They worship at the altar of the nanny-state and and are openly vocal of this position in their on-air commentary. Any thought of hearing a balanced rendering of a story from this pair of dolts is a belief only of the feeble minded. They make a perfect fit for the CBC which has thrown off all traces of impartiality and embraced the anti-western, anti-free enterprise, statist ideal.

  4. The Grizzly Man was Timothy Treadwell. The documentary about him was chilling. He was not only insane, but suicidal, and he took his close female friend with him. Delusional people are dangerous.

  5. "Dances with Grizzlies" works just fine.

    Btw, when the "grizzly man" and his assumed "grizzly woman" wife were eaten by the grizzlies in a Park in Alaska, many of us old time hunters here in B.C. couldn't help but laugh at his utterly arrogant stupidity.

    Those of us who live or spend a lot of time in the outback are never surprised by well educated city dwellers who KNOW way more about the wilds than we who live here do.

    But we're just ignorant backwoods redneck hillbillies, so we couldn't possibly know anything.

    Michael Ignatieff is like those grizzly people, he tells Canadians what they need or want, yet he never spent enough time here to have a clue as to what WE think we need or want.

    Ignatieff's no "centrist", he's a Royalist or Czarist, who sees himself as descended from the Gods or at very least,the possessor of superior genes,and he therefore KNOWS what keeps the peasants inline.

    If we were electing an absolute Monarch to rule over us for life, I might consider Ignatieff. The "alternatives, Justin Trudeau, Paul Demerais,Carling Bassett, or any number of the Canadian elite, would probably do no better than the blue blooded Iggy,and his thirty years of self exile probably makes him slightly LESS contemptuous of us than the others.

    Unfortuneately, we live in an alleged democracy, so Count Ignatieff isn't the guy we want wasting our tax dollars, and we'll choose our own Mawster,thanks.

