Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kady O'Malley, spinning PROROGUE WATCH right round baby right round...

I am beginning to see Kady O'Malley's purpose with the CBC during this down cycle of Canadian political news is to create new talking points based on old information such that the network may air televised news stories where they assert that they are introducing new information. In reality, all they are introducing is a new Liberal spin on old information. 65% of Canadians either don’t care or support prorogation, but they have to find new ways to talk about something that the majority either supported or didn’t care. Maybe I’ll write a book titled Liberal Apathy. God knows I’d have a lot to work with.

It feels like over the Christmas break, Kady O’Malley has become the Liberal/CBC expert on the PROROGATION WATCH 2010. She doesn’t even try to hide her partisanship. For example, her spin on the timing of PROROGATION 2010 is that there is no good reason not to wait a month to ask the Governor General if she will allow the prorogation of Parliament, and that to do so now is evidence of an admission of guilt. Why might a responsible Prime Minister decide to ask the GG if she will allow a prorogation a few weeks before it is absolutely necessary? Perhaps because the lives of tens of thousands of people are affected by this decision, and by giving them a few weeks warning, they can adjust their lives accordingly? No, what we should do is wait until the last minute and force everyone to cancel their plans and their lives a day before.

So does Kady present any reason why it benefits the country to do it now? Not at all. Her entire thesis is designed to spin opinion to the benefit of her political affiliation. Like how she attempts to spin bad news for Liberals that Canadians don’t care as somehow being a grave threat to Prime Minister Harper. It bothers me that Kady is paraded as some sort of expert on my public broadcaster, which by its definition should be non-partisan. If Kady wants to express herself on the Liblogs or the Toronto Pravda, I would have no objection to her earning a living. I object to her collecting tax dollars to shamelessly promote a diminishing political party.

Today’s blog post was brought to you by Dead or Alive.

You spin this right round Kady right round, like a record Kady, right right round round…


  1. Notice she never actually adds the two numbers up eh?

    She just mentions that 48% don't care and 16% support it....

    Add those two together and you get 64%; a clear majority but she never points this out.

  2. Someone please poll Canadians and ask if they know what prorogue means.
    My bet is that most wouldn't know prorogue from pro hockey.
    What makes people like O'Malley, Mallick and Barlow dangerous is their BS spin which naive people will believe.
    But then, how naive of me to think a CBC type would let truth get in the way of a good "story".

  3. CBC featured a story this morning on the NDP Facebook site against proroguing parliament and showed a number of cartoons that have been posted.
    The reporter mentioned that since the first airing of the story an hour earlier the Facebook memberhip had jumped by 1,500. The talking head replied that it was growing at an astounding rate implying that the initial story on CBC had nothing to do with the growth.
    No mention of the NDP being behind the Facebook site and certainly no mention of Chretien proroguing Parliament four times.

  4. Prophet O' Malley preaches coalition take over as Democratic but paroguging minority government for 21 days during the Olympics is undemocratic!!
    She has a lot of foul mouthed groupies who followed her from MacLeans!
