Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Passionate Eye; Selling the 9/11 Truther Theory

Here we go again; the CBC is selling the idea that George Bush attacked the United States on 9/11. The first one I saw try to sell the conspiracy was Evan Soloman a few years ago, and now I am watching it again on the Passionate Eye. I suppose it makes some sense, my Little Oxford Dictionary defines passionate as "dominated by or easily moved to strong feeling" and having just watched the first 30 minutes of this documentary, I would concur that the dipshit producing the doc is dominated by strong feelings. Feelings I strongly disagree with.

As I am watching this, the producers are focusing almost exclusively on the pro-Truther talking points and "experts", and devoting very little time to the real truth. The one demolition expert that they did bring on to defend the real story made a lot of sense, but after the Passionate Eye was done interviewing him, they were sure to qualify that this man has been accused of hate crimes and mass murder (likely by actual 9/11 Truthers). Therefore the people who are arguing against what the demolition expert is saying accuse him of being involved in the conspiracy to kill thousands of civilians? Therefore we should dismiss his opinion because loonie toons accuse him of committing the crime that they can't prove.

Having watched this documentary now in its entirety and seeing the full scope of the Truther argument, I feel comfortable saying it is all bullshit. They are trying to say that fire can't demolish a building, and they show lots of footage of other skyscrapers on fire that don't collapse. As though a toaster fire in an apartment building is on the same scale as this. Building 7 was right across the street from the 2nd tower. When the 2nd tower came down, millions of tons of concrete, steel, and fire debris slammed into the side of building 7. Because of the subway, sewers, and tunnels under street level, they were never able to build a proper foundation for building 7. They had to rely on longer more vulnerable columns which were exposed to millions of tons of fast free falling debris from the largest building in the world collapsing right across the street.

So let me get this straight, a building on a poor foundation was pummeled with millions of tons of concrete, steel, and fire from the biggest buildings in the world collapsing right across the street; and that could not have taken down building 7? No, the more plausible explanation is that George Bush attacked his own country for an excuse to invade Iraq? And I am the unreasonable one? What we really need are goofs like Evan Soloman and the Passionate Eye to promote an insane agenda, educate the populace, and spread the message that people believe the United States attacked itself to attack Iraq. They treat building 7 as though it is some twisted "Gulf of Tonkin" incident, when the overwhelming preponderance of evidence points to the real truth.

The documentary ends with Richard Clark saying that the government was too incompetent to pull it off, and then the Truther spokesman cursing out Richard Clark.

Penn and Teller really said it best...


  1. When you eliminate the probable, whatever remains, however impossible must be the truth.

  2. What would you expect from a taxpayer leeching organization that believes AGW is a missing commandment from Mt. Sinai?

  3. I too watched a 5 part Video on YouTube by the CBC that irked me to no end because little mention was given to the 24 Canadian civilians slaughtered by 19 Muslims,they used the Legal loophole of "Some People" think that,or "Some People" claim that. The term "Some People" helps avoid Lawsuits by deflecting the Libel since somewhere on the Planet ARE yahoos with those views so the assertion could be true.
    What was really odd is that the Truther website i found after researching a "Expert's" name was actually a farce by the misleading DNS name for the page,and it was where the CBC link was to Prove it was a inside job by Bush just to keep Oil down at $25.00 a barrel (as Linda McQuad claimed in her book she pawned-off in canada).
    When the CBC defended Maher Arar,Global Warming,Afghanistan detainees,The Khadr family,Shariah Law,and other items like those it became clear it is time to grab the remote in Ottawa and hit the OFF button for the CBC.
    Since you saw the CBC special i won't dwell on the little parts with nut jobs spewing there Theories because it was all crap including the CBC's bias to appear balanced ,but...3000 civilians were murdered and it included people from over 60 Nationalities and most Races and Faiths along with Mosques being allowed in the Towers for the Muslim workers to pray during break-time. So what does the CBC do?, they attack the 9/11 justification as being warranted by "Some Muslims" for Intolerance and Islamophobia from the lack of Inclusion to American Society.
    As for the DNS issue I mentioned,there is a Circle of truther's that link their Websites to each other as Proof of a "Consensus" by the Experts wanting a full disclosure and NEW investigation in 9/11.
    The most disgusting webpage was the "Fire Fighters For 9/11 truth" because it was just the Domain name selected and implies that a Consensus among all Fire Fightters in the USA believe that the 343 of them were Slaughtered by the Bush-Chaney tag-team & NORAD that replaced the 4 Hijacked Planes with Drones loaded with bombs and then flew the real planes into the Atlantic to kill all the passengers. The "Architechtures and Engineers" for 9/11 truth was registered and Invites people to sign a petition to look closer at 9/11 but really doesn't state Flat-out that it endorses Murder charges against Bush et al,the website hides the Signers and once you dig into it you see the number of Foreigners with a chip on their shoulder and the people with no Degree in actual Steel-beam sky-Scraper load limits and structural integrity.
    All those Truther site have a "STORE" menu tab , and guess what???....the sell DVD's , books,T-shirts and the same Video coverage you could have recorded from the TV during September 2001.If these yahoos had just 1 piece of solid evidence it would be a Criminal Offence to fail to report it to the FBI because it's a Murder case where they would be an accessory after the fact for hiding the evidence.
    The Transistor was not given to us by the Roswell Alien crash via reverse engineering,the depression put Bell Labs on hold so Mr.Shockley's research on Tesla's theory was shelved to focus on Phones that made money for them,then the war dragged out the invention while the Military funded it after 1944-45 since Radar helped the TV progress after 20 years of it going nowhere,but in December of 1947 the team of 3 Men that created the Transistor made the Cover of TIME.
    The CBC has got to let go of this vicious attack on the West to appease the fringe groups,they should do it on their dollar and not us Taxpayers dime.

    Oh BTW,the Toronto STAR did a decade-end review of news and it was 9/11 that was listed as a tragedy when planes were hijacked by 19 men alleged to have links to Al-Qaeda.
    The MSM should get their lies straight.

  4. The 9-11 "Truthers" wouldn't exist if it wasn't possible to try to place the blame on George Bush. If Al Gore (God forbid) had been President, there wouldn't be a conspiracy theory.

    There's a documentary made in reply to the loonies,can't remember the name,but a google search should turn it up easily.

    Truthers love the phrase ,"fire can't melt steel". As any construction superintendent can tell you, fire doesn't have to melt steel to make it lose it's structural strength,it just has to be heated a couple of hundred degrees, and the structure collapses.

    Check into the psychology of people who embrace outrageous conspiracies, you won't be surprised.

  5. Lynn:
    I agree,"Evidence" the Truther's claim to have ends up being dead-end leads with hairbrain theories.
    I won't even waste my time trying to tell them how a passport could survive being throw from the WTC debre to be found on the Street,any Boy Scount or serious Camper knows how the use a small paper bag as a Frying pan to cook eggs of the camp-fire.
    Oddly enough, "Fahrenheit 451" was about the Combustion temperature for paper if exposed to heat and no flames to ignite it.
    Michael Moore hijacked Ray Bradberry's novel Title but actually helped expose how a Passport CAN withstand sudden heat and be tossed through the air with little damage.
    Expecting an intellegent debate with a Truther would be like turning on Jeopardy and seeing Mr.Potatoe Head as a contestant and people are rooting for him to win.

  6. the level of stupid never ceases to amaze me.

  7. "". As though a toaster fire in an apartment building is on the same scale as this. "" Yup - that's about my thoughts too.

    Thing is, I live with a man who has worked pipelines, construction, done welding, etc. And guess what - omg, he built us a STEEL box frame to put on the back of the truck for our camping trips, and holy heck he managed to heat it enough to BEND it with his HANDS and a normal clamp to make it fit better around the trailer hitch.

    Well, how on earth did he manage that when 'everyone knows fire can't melt steel'? He must be superman. I am SO lucky to have him in my life!

    All sarcasm aside, ask welders and forge workers if they can heat steel up enough to do some damage to it's solid integrity. I looked up some stuff on a few physics forums before replying here and saw a few remarks like "The yield strength of most ferrous metals does not hold up well under heat. Most steel will have a yield point reduction of around 25% at 600°F. It's not until the addition of nickel and other alloying components which are very expensive, does steel start to do better under high temp conditions" [courtesy of].

  8. Even if you are right about fire getting hot enough to melt exactly do you think that happened in less then ten seconds all at once in the same way all controlled demolitions do. How do you think that happened to this building & none other in the history of mankind. You guys must be half retarded to think that it's just a fire that dropped all those buildings.....ahahaha it's laughable. At worst case scenarion...the building would've buckled first.....lost a couple floors perhaps....maybe a wall would burn off...but there would still be some frame left over. no way that fire could burn in every spot equally hot enough to drop that building. funny it held all the information for the huge bank fraud....and funny the building owner took out insurance not even 6 months earlier for a terrorist attack. Yup you guys must be right.....the third building that was hit with no plane & that first responders heard explosions...more then one coming from it right before it fell to DUST! DUST!!!! That would NEVER HAPPEN FROM ONLY FIRE.....American governemnt is and always has been corrupt but killing their own people....that's some Nazi business right there. Hmmmmmmm makes you think....

  9. I laugh when I hear people say the US Government is too incompetent to have pulled off such a gigantic fraud. Ironically, those people are correct, and that’s because there are so many things that happened on 9-11 that don’t make any sense to any reasonable thinking mind. The US government with the help of a lot of hateful, war-minded people has only gotten away with hiding what really happened.

    The exact same thing happened with the assassination of JFK. Kennedy was blown away because he had the nerve to stand up to the extremist right-wing cronies that wanted to invade Vietnam, which by the way began with a fake attack and ended with 50,000 dead troops. And if you think the US Government can’t plan and execute the killing of their own president then you must believe the US really landed on the moon 42 years ago, but can’t explain how they did it today because a lot of that technology was “lost and misplaced”, like how thin foil suits protected the astronauts from hugely lethal doses of radiation.

    No, rather than question so many things that have shaped our perceived reality, it's a lot easier and more beneficial to believe that all the current problems in the western world began on 9-11, from an attack initiated by 19 rag-tag Muslims. And what has happened and is happening to so many Muslim countries after 9-11, such as Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan and so many North African countries, has nothing to do with oppression and espionage; secretly going into those countries and arming and training underdog groups to rise up against the existing governments in order to ultimately create civil wars, whereby we westerners can then bomb the hell out of those countries in order to protect “innocent” but heavily armed “civilians”, and then leave the country in ruins. No, we westerners aren’t smart enough to plan things like that. There’s just no way 9-11 was an inside job in order to rally up the troops and invade Muslim nations and take their riches. What is happening is just part of God’s great plan. The richest country in the world must be the most God blessed! Massive wealth accumulation has nothing to do with the Love of Money, being the Root of all Evil. And even if we are that smart, and our God is money, it all boils down to US against THEM, right, because there is no “WE”.

    This modern form of racism is a multi-federal-government sponsored way of re-enacting it's most important economic policies of Hate, War, Revenge and Greed; all the opposite things of what the real Jesus Christ taught, which was Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Charity. Whether you want to admit it or not, the multi-head Anti-Christ entity is on the rise, controlling minds and gathering souls while pretending to be a white knight in red and blue shinning armour. Sadly, it seems the only real love left in the west is the Love of Money.

    Guess what oil rich Muslim country is next in line, and guess what they’re going to do when it comes to rallying the troops to go into Iran. If you think 9-11 was big, you just wait to see what they do in order to point the finger at Iran...

    People Before Profits People. It's our only hope, and the only way to stop this incredibly self-destructive virus that if left un-checked will certainly lead to a third world war. But of course we can always blame the coming third world war on economic instability, rather than rabid nationalism. After all, “the winners” always get to write the history books… and the new bibles.
