Saturday, March 13, 2010

Liberal MP Apathy, province by province

I thought it would be fun to check what percentage of MPs from each provincial Liberal caucus abstained from voting on the year's most important piece of legislation. They represent Liberals voters (a half million of them in total) who elected Liberal MPs, but their votes were not registered on budget day.

What percentage of the Liberal caucus from each province abstained from the budget vote? Whose votes didn't count? It would appear as though the Liberals are taking the most advantage of Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and BC. They made sure Ontario's votes counted, but let's be fair, the Liberal party bases all its brain trust in Ontario.

How many abstained?

1) Arctic 100% skipped the vote
2) New Brunswick 67% skipped the vote
3) PEI 67% skipped the vote
4) Newfoundland 50% skipped the vote
5) Quebec 46% skipped the vote
6) British Columbia 40% skipped the vote
7) Nova Scotia 40% skipped the vote
8) Ontario 26% skipped the vote
9) Manitoba 0% of 1 MP skipped the vote
10) Saskatchewan 0% of 1 MP skipped the vote
11) Alberta no MPs to skip a vote


  1. Might be useful to see which MPs, choosing to sit out this vote, also sat out the last budget vote in The House.
