Friday, March 12, 2010

With Each Passing Confidence Motion

I will be curious to see how many more times Iggy and Donolo utilize the "40% of my MPs take the afternoon off work" strategy to allow confidence motions to pass. I don't think the Liberals truly appreciate the gravity of their hypocrisy. They made such a foul fuss over the 100th+ prorogation of Canadian Parliament; yet when the "sovereign" legislators return and the most important piece of legislation of the year with the greatest impact on the lives of Canadians hits the floor, Iggy tells his caucus to stay away? When the doors are shut you want in, and when they are open you want out? Make a decision!

Each time they do this, the hypocrisy has a cumulative effect. It stacks on top of each other. It is not accurate to say that you voted against it when you allowed it to pass, and the method by which you are abstaining is completely contrary to the sovereign sanctity of Parliament that you were spewing just a few short weeks ago. This whole sordid affair is ridiculous and should not take long to wear on Canadians, if it hasn't indeed already.

The budget is hands down the most important piece of legislation affecting the greatest number of Canadians that they could possibly vote on. If ever there was a day to show up to vote on behalf of the people you represent, it is budget day. Not only did they skip an afternoon of work, it was the most important afternoon of 2010! The Tories should start making their campaign commercials with all the clips of Liberals screaming how critically important it was for them to get to work; then show footage of the empty seats in the legislature. They cry aloud that they desperately need to get back to work, then skip the most important afternoon of work? Classy.


  1. Does anyone have a fun poll question ideas on this subject?

  2. "sordid" affair

    Great post. I sent 9 emails last night using Ardvark's list.

  3. Q: how many Lib MPs will skip the next confidence motion?
    there is no confidence in any lib

  4. What were the 29 absent Liberals doing during the budget vote?

    - plotting Ignatieff's overthrow.
    - using the washroom.
    - feeling dirty for all the lies.
    - budget vote? That was today?!

  5. How did they come up with 29? Why that #?
    At first I thought it was like gym class when they pick teams 1,2,3, 1,2,3... but I realized that didn't jive and add up. Then I thought it must be that the critics sat out and they did 1,2,1,2.. but then Carolyn Bennett etc was there so you are the mathematician, what was the stupid formula?

    The beating my brain for logic may just be the dumbest thing I've ever done though because they have no logic. It has to be that simple.

  6. One poll question that I want to ask is "how do you think the 29 Liberal MPs who skipped work on budget day were chosen?"

    1) by Iggy's command
    2) by Donolo's command
    3) by Rae's command
    4) volunteer
    5) drawing straws
    6) "who wants to hit Happy Hour a few hours early?" (wait, John McCallum was at the vote, scratch this number 6)

    I will keep the floor open for ideas before I launch the poll.

  7. Very interesting thought regarding your post above Ice. Has anyone done an investigation as to who's camp the absenties are in?

  8. Now the opposition is saying that the ships out of Halifax for Haiti did not have relief supplies on them . The reporters are from the Herald which is a lefty paper like all the rest.

  9. "When the doors are shut you want in, and when they are open you want out?" = GOLD.

  10. Irony is the fuss made over Harper being late by one minute for the G20 photo and the liberals that didn't show for the budget vote.

    What might be instructive is to quote some of the statements by any of those abstainers outraged over the prorogation.
