Saturday, April 17, 2010

Does the Government Have a Credibility Issue?

According to Evan Soloman's audience, the answer is an overwhelming 90% yes. Does that mean that 90% of Canadians agree? I'd like to find out by asking the same poll question. I know that thus far virtually my entire audience is more likely to believe a Canadian General than an Afghan translator, who offer conflicting accounts of the same event. Rosie Barton attempted to connect Guergis-gate with detainee-gate, presenting the hypothesis that they were related issues while running the caption "Credibility Gap?" at the bottom of the screen. Don Newman was invited to attempt this asinine connecting of dots with Rosie.

Basically they presented the hypothesis that yes there was a credibility gap, and then they sent Evan's audience to the website to confirm their theory. So I put the question to you.


  1. The only credibility gap Canadians see, is from Liberal air head Rosemary giggles Barton and moth balls Don one forgets his biased show of days gone by. I sure don't.I don't know which was worse....Newman or Soloman....The Soloman CBC poles are from Liberal Toronto and the CBC staff of 500.
    BTW...when is the "AFGHAN" whitness going to sue the Canadian Govt?

  2. Craig Oliver was also literally frothing at the mouth on the same subject. I see it as just plain old brown vanilla Harper-hating. These folks just make themselves look like asswipes.

  3. Online CBC, Power and Politics poll, hmmm..

    My reaction to said poll below..

  4. Tuco The frothing at the mouth could just be the old coot loosing control of his bodily functions.

    Rob C

  5. "Credibility gap" Snipped directly from Liberal talking points. Jane Taber used the same theme on PP. Connected indeed.

  6. Twice last week I went to vote on Evan soloman's poll. I could not vote because all i could bring up was results of poll. That was during the broadcast of Power and Politics. I showed it to my son and he was also mystified.
    Maybe that is why the polls are biased.

  7. I'm with Fay. As a lark, I went and tried to vote as well and when that failed attempted to post a comment. Well that succeeded except my vocal and uncomplimentary posting about us tax payer enablers of the CBC has never made it to print.

    So CBC....what say YOU about CREDIBILITY?

  8. Evan Soloman manipulates his poll results. You heard it here first! Thanks for the breaking news Fay.

  9. You shouldn't go and vote on CBC polls. They will think that more then 5 people actually watch their shows then ;)
