Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Fatwa Against South Park

It would appear that the creators of the hit comedy show South Park have encountered some threats of violence in response to their 200th episode. They did not show an image of the Prophet Muhammad, but rather presented him in disguise in a bear suit. I strongly suspect that they expected a backlash, but that they wanted to make a strong statement. Muslims can't claim that their religion has been unfairly targeted, as these are the same people who showed Buddha snorting blow, and put Jesus Christ in a wrestling match against Santa Claus. This is what they do, even if it pisses people off.  As luck would have it, this controversial episode is still viewable for free on the Comedy Central website.

I am on the record as one of South Park's biggest fans. While I'm at it, I should also drop a plug for Team America: World Police. I love that movie. Their portrayal of Matt Damon is worth the price of admission alone.

Their description of the war on terrorism at the end tells the story the way it is:

**dirty language warning**

"Pussies might think that they can deal with assholes their way; but the only thing that can fuck an asshole, is a dick, with some balls."

"But sometimes pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves"


  1. I have a hard time feeling sympathy for south park it just is not funny, crude and disgusting yes but funny not.
    But they have the right to disgust me and I have the right not to watch.
    Phuck the mussies and their sensitivity to anything not blowing up.
    Sorry for the profanity but how else can you say it?

  2. Episode 200 here >

    Not sure if the 'religion of peace' will allow episode 201 to be seen.

  3. Let's just hope that a mob of angry radical muslims don't kill Kenny.
