Thursday, April 22, 2010

Guergis-gate: From Moribund Trend to "Flash in the Pan" in 7 Days

One week ago Frank Graves and Jane Taber were delighting in what the EKOS boss described as "the resignation and controversy around Helena Guergis and her husband seems to have jumpstarted a moribund electorate in a way that ideas and debate could not". To one week later being "just a flash in the pan", much to the disappointment of GI Jane. Frank is still optimistic, saying "my guess is that this latest episode is locking in voter disillusionment" which seems an odd analysis from an alleged mathematician. His "guesses" are often wrong, so take that prophecy with a grain of salt.

In fact there was a very interesting story that broke today about some disturbing advice that Mr. Graves has been sharing while having his polls funded by the CBC. Norman Spector has a great article in the Globe and Mail. Though as I'm thinking about it, given Frank's predisposition to being mistaken, it is awesome he's handing out advice to the Liberal Party. Forget I said anything! Go about your business...nothing to see here...

Do you think the Liberals and friends are becoming frustrated that despite all their frequent sensationalized faux controversies that they have desperately tried to stick to Stephen Harper, they can't get any traction? The Prime Minister reminds me of a feline in a certain song from my childhood.  The tactical downside of crying wolf at the nearest sign of controversy over and over again, is that each successive screaming elicits a less interested response from the town's folk; such that a wolf actually shows up, and nobody listens at all.


  1. I always like your titles. Flash in the pan indeed! I find the crying wolf getting very tiring as I am sure many others are too -- apart from the media, that is.

    Finally got the slider part to work.

  2. You definitely should read Lawrence Martin's column in today's G&M.

    Here's the money shot:

    'Frank Graves of Ekos Research, in agreement with the analysis, has told the Grits that the wedge politics of the Conservatives provide them with an opportunity to stake out a stark alternative. Stop worrying about the West, he’s told them. No need to fear polarizing the debate. It’s what worked for Mr. Chrétien against Preston Manning and Stockwell Day.

    In his advice, Mr. Graves could hardly have been more blunt. “I told them that they should invoke a culture war. Cosmopolitanism versus parochialism, secularism versus moralism, Obama versus Palin, tolerance versus racism and homophobia, democracy versus autocracy. If the cranky old men in Alberta don’t like it, too bad. Go south and vote for Palin.”'

    One of the Liberals' greatest failures in past decades is that they have been unable to establish themselves in Western Canada. Graves suggests that they don't even try, insulting Albertans as he does so.

  3. How do we get rid of Graves as a spokesman for the libs and a pollter. Didn't see it, but reports are that Kory ripped Graves a new one on Evans show today. Graves has donated 11,000. to liberals over time.
    No more CBC polls by Graves.

  4. 2 of the 3 companies that Jaffer was accused of lobbying for, just confirmed what Jaffer said,
    that his company was fishing for information only, was not lobbying for any one.
    In fact :
    ''Both companies say they did not give Green Power Generation permission to lobby the federal government on their behalf''

    that's a whole new set of troubles for Jaffer....
    and dragging the names of innocent business' thru the mud is exactly why this should be before the Lobby Commish, and not in kangaroo court.

  5. One more 'opps jump to conclusions'...
    remember the govt logo Wright Tech had on their website, the company Helena wrote a letter to toot about...

    ''..between 1997 and 2003 (closing in 2006), CCC ( Canada Commercial Corporation) did participate in about $16 million worth of international contracts with Wright Environmental Management, a company with a similar address....''

    so the logo was just a leftover from dealing with the previous Liberal government.

  6. Payback Time. When you get an EKOS call, LIE and say you are voting NDP, Green or Lib just to mess up his numbers. Give your wrong sex, wrong education, wrong age. Then his advice will suck even worse than it does now because it will be based on untrue numbers.
