Thursday, May 13, 2010

CBC Tracks Down Graham James

I have to give the CBC credit when credit is due as one of their journalists tracked down convicted child rapist and disgraced hockey coach Graham James to his remote hideout in Mexico. You could tell that he did not want to be found and was extremely uncomfortable to be on camera. The reporter asked tough questions on the streets of Guadalajara, as James pulled his hat over his face as he dodged the questions. He is living in Mexico because he does have to register as a sex offender, a little factoid that I'm sure that his neighbours would be very upset if they knew about.

Well done CBC, well done. You won't hear me say that very often. This man belongs in prison.


  1. You're right, but in their report the CBC could not resist at taking a swipe a Harper and said that the PM is only now getting tough on crime once he was pressured by the CBC and the opposition.

  2. While they are at it perhaps they can track down and name the parole people who gave James his pardon?

  3. Sorry, but the CBC is way out of line on this. Tracking him down in Mexico is one thing, but spending public dollars to send a reporter and camera team (separate French version?) to Mexico is over the top.

    Sure, announce to Canadians that he is out of country and no danger to us. Then send a note to the Mexican media and the police and let them take care of their end.
