Monday, May 17, 2010

Criticizing CBC "Buffoonish"

Thank you John Doyle for educating me on my opinion about the CBC "As for the allegations of Liberal bias, they are ridiculous. As Rick Salutin pointed out the other day, any viewer of the CBC-TV news these days sees an elaborate attempt to reflect the views of the right." Really??? ANY viewer of CBC television news sees an elaborate attempt to reflect the views of the right? Exactly what CBC news broadcast are you watching? He goes on to say "God only knows what the Conservative Party is up to in its buffoonish attacks."

Personally my beef with the CBC is not that they exist, but that they pay their employees too much and thus cannot survive financially without a billion dollars in government subsidies. If they are unable to survive in their current form, then they must be reformed. I don't listen to CBC radio because most of their content is boring and uninteresting. This journalistic license to talk about anything no matter how few people are interested in the name of art and culture doesn't hold water with most normal Canadians.  They should operate like any other business, by supply and demand.

The story in the Globe makes multiple mention of Kory Teneycke, and no mention of Scott Reid having the same gig. Maybe the Globe is still embarrassed about publishing the "kill him, kill him dead" editorial. Kory talks on CBC TV for all of 20 minutes per month. Evan Soloman gets 2 hours per day.


  1. "God only knows what the Conservative Party is up to in its buffoonish attacks."

    Don't you just love how these same types that rail against religion wonder what God knows?

  2. Appears to me if the "left" thinks CBC is biased and Conservatives believe the same, then the next step is join together and get rid of the bloody thing!

  3. As a taxpayer we need to go beyond the Toronto centric views of a large nanny state.

    They don't represent or speak for me. I have no problem with Liberals or Socialists having their own tv station, just pay for yourself.

  4. CBC reminds me of Quebec, it can't survive on its own so we pump money into them to do nothing.
    If CBC had to survive on its own- none of those idiots for reporters or stupid pundits would be around especially when CBC depends on ratings to survive. But, they don't, relying on ratings for their success is no big deal-your dollars keep them there.

    It does not take a fool to tell you what really is going in the world but it takes all of CBC idiots to tell otherwise.

  5. CBC Radio; College radio for shut ins.

  6. Ha! The liberal media routinely calls entire police forces racist, entire regiments war criminals, and entire Governments hidden agenda religious zealots, but the Media biased? Ho no perish the thought! The media is nothing but absolutely perfect. Just ask the media.

    Rick Salutin has never wrote a single intelligent word in his entire life. Creative sure. Intelligent or even factual? Nope.

  7. Ha!i watch Space channel more than the CBC.Its only good for Hockey and nothing else.Its frightfully boring.Prove you can survive without our tax dollars and ill be impressed.


    P.S.They are using the same playbook that got Obama elected.ROTFLMAO!(remember Jack Layton during election time?hehe.)

  8. Evan Solomon is a mouthpiece for the Suzuki Foundation. He sits on their Board of Directors.
