Sunday, May 9, 2010

Harper Advises Germany

As it turns out, Europe's most powerful economy values the advice of Canada's Prime Minister on economic issues. Canada amid this economic downturn has emerged with a AAA credit rating, while a number of European nations are at the precipice of junk status with investors around the planet ready to hit the panic button. After meeting with Stephen Harper, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had some fresh advice for the European economies. I am a member of Angela Merkel's fan club, and I hope that the advice she received from our AAA Prime Minister is able to help Europe avoid a complete financial meltdown.

Now we even have the Economist magazine is praising Canada for our banking system, saying that it is a far better cure for the debt and credit problems of the Western world than any bailout or bank tax. Honestly I don't know why we don't just make Stephen Harper the Prime Minister of the whole World. Which gets me to thinking, what if you could coordinate a global election in every country on Earth for the election of a single President of the World? Who do you think would win? Based on the international praise being bestowed upon Stephen Harper's economic leadership, you know his name is on the ballot.


  1. yikes!the thought of one world govt.
    not gonna go there i think.


  2. To be fair our banking system is the result of reasoned thought and implimentation by both Conservative and Liberal Governments.

    God know I don't like being fair ;)

  3. Say it's not so, why Iggy & Boob were just spouting off the other day about how Canada has shrivelled in the worlds eyes due to Harper.

    It kinda makes you want to take the newspaper, head over to Ottawa, fold it up, and clout a couple of these fools up side the head

  4. Brad, you don't strike me as someone who has a sense of humour... :O

  5. Anonymous,enough of the Liberal BS.They are not running the economy of the country,the Conservatives have been for the last 4 years.Remember the famous Liberal words PM HARPER WILL WEAR THIS RECESSION...Who said that anonymous..And when the Liberals got us into surplus it was by robbing 50 billion from the ei fund and downloading the debt onto the provinces.The only help the Liberals gave to this country was ,how to pass brown envelopes filled with cash to their friends.Oh and the famous Trudeau Bilingual for Canada English for Quebec policy.So anonymous,it was not reasoned thinking at all by the Liberals,so don,t try to give them credit.All 100% of the credit goes to the Government of today,not the corrupt government of the past.

  6. Owing note of thanks for Canada's banks

    Mulroney finance minister set up stable system

    By Alim Merali, Freelance May 1, 2010
    Read more:
