Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Harper - Chretien Happy Fun Time

I must confess that it was fun to watch the press conference yesterday with Jean Chretien and Stephen Harper, where they were having good natured fun with a few funny jokes exchanged. It was to unveil Chretien's deserved portrait in the Commons, and a little satire was a welcome change of pace. I doubt Chretien would ever have won 3 majorities without a divided right, but none the less he does deserve some form of credit for getting elected Prime Minister 3 times. Well done Stephen Harper for showing up in good spirits and making a contribution.

For the record, Jean Chretien was Prime Minister when I first became interested in politics as a youth, and I don't know that I have ever had anything nice to say about him. Nothing of what he said in this press conference made me laugh or impressed me. I like what the Prime Minister had to say.


  1. Hey Iceman, why is Obama's name not on the most evil list? He's my pick.
    Destroying the USA is pretty evil IMO.

  2. Chretien's roots are from the Quebec mob, believe it or not, so he is a nasty man.

  3. Divided right and Harper also mentioned Chretien lifting other party ideas.
    Debt and deficit reduction, balancing the books, Free Trade and the GST come to mind,
    because these are the Conservative policy of Mulroney and Manning that made Canada an economic success.

    Did Chretien mention Paul Martin?
    Was Martin even there?

    Good picture, even caught the calculating meaness in his eyes.
