Sunday, May 23, 2010


With this recent incident of a dead otter/mink/chupacabra floating ashore in the far north of Ontario, I am interested in collecting some opinion on arguably the greatest rural legend the Sasquatch. Does anyone know anyone who claims to have seen one of these things? My own belief is that it is possible that this species once existed, but it is most likely extinct.

For the species to currently be alive, a number of things would have to be true like very long life spans, family groups burying the dead in remote locations, heightened senses and a fear of man, and a high degree of intelligence. There was a time about a million years ago where several different species of upward walking ape were roaming the world. When humans evolved into our current form, we drove all the other ape men into extinction.

So where do you stand on the Sasquatch?


  1. I think May 24th should be called "Sasquatch Day."

  2. It's fun to indulge in fantasy;what if there were: fairies,elves,leprechauns,Santa Claus, Easter Bunny,Yeti,Abominable Snowman,etc.,but eventually you have to come back to reality,that's the bad side of growing up.

    The Sasquatch,popularly called "Bigfoot" out in the West, has been a legend for a lot of years,but the only extant pictures of the creature is the film allegedly taken in Washington State in the 1950's which has been shown on several documentaries.

    It shows an upright,hairy creature walking through a clearcut,and on closer examination,looks more like someone in a "King Kong" suit than anything else.

    After this film was shot, hundreds of researchers and avid amateurs rushed in to the area where BF was spotted,and every square inch was combed over,including thousands of hours of helicopter and airplane searches.

    It's been almost sixty years since that footage was shot, and although many have searched,no pictures of anything credible have been made public.

    As with the water creatures, modern technology has pretty well proven that Loch Ness ,Okanagan Lake, and Lake Manitoba contain nothing out of the ordinary,creature -wise.

    The woods of Washington and B.C have been worked in by tens of thousands of loggers, miners,timber cruisers,sportsmen,geologists,etc., for at least the last fifty years,and nary a Sasquatch has shown up. I spent eleven years working in the forests of B.C., and saw lots of moose,deer,bears, cats,birds,wolves,but never a Sasquatch,although some of the loggers in the late 70's could have passed for one at a distance, if not for the clothing.

    I remember when I was five years old,and a friend who was about eight told me there WAS no Santa Claus! I respected him as a wise and all knowing person,after all, he was EIGHT years old! I knew he couldn't be wrong.

    Christmas was never the same again. Sure,it was nice to get presents and get together with family, but the magic had gone out of it.

    Anyone who believes in the magical "giant ape in the forest" should go spend about ten years working there. It's beautiful,and has kind of a magical aura on it's own,without the addition of fantastic creatures. I absolutely loved working there,and have never really adjusted to city life.

    Nope, sorry to say, there's no Santa Claus. And no Sasquatch either.

    Unless I'm wrong,in which case I was misquoted.


  3. What next, more sightings of the loup-garou?

  4. My thoughts re the monster just found, a Darwin example of the survival of the fittest, a cloning experiment gone horribly wrong, some female animal being very sexually active with various species and all that sperm fought for the right to be the father. Or an example of what the coalition would look like.

  5. It looks like roughly the same % of people believe Bigfoot exists as those who think Victoria Day should be renamed John A MacDonald Day...

  6. I am with you MaryT, I think a DNA samples are in order, chances are it will turn out to be "Coalition Creature" the misbegotten offspring of the secret alliance of LibDipBlocGreen manage-a-quarto. A face only a socialist could love, we will have some "professor scraggly ponytail" proclaiming it an "evolutionary miracle" somehow managing to combine the shared misery of Socialism with the agony of opposition and polls headed for single digets. Ugly, ugly, ugly and probably smells bad too.
    Cheers Bubba
