Monday, May 17, 2010

"Tories try again to tar Ignatieff with coalition fear-mongering"

Thank you Jane Taber for capturing the words that describe how I feel. I would like to tar the Liberal leader with some random fear mongering, and what better subject than a possible coalition with a political party that wants to divide the country. Liberal acolytes have been trying to convince the Canadian public of the viability of a coalition with the Bloc since the failed coup attempt in December of 2008. I would very much like to know Ignatieff's position on coalitions. I know they often go to the "if necessary but not necessarily" card, and we are unlikely to get a straight answer before such time as the opposition is trying to collapse the government and assume power.

Would Mike take the Liberals into a power sharing coalition with the Bloc Quebecois? If yes, that's good to know. If no and the Liberals will only negotiate with the NDP, then you had best start planning to pull candidates in each other's ridings, because right now that's about the only probable way that the two of you will have at least 155 seats. Springing an NDP coalition on us after an election only works if you have majority control of the Commons, otherwise you need the Bloc.

I like how Jane says "the Liberals are laughing this off, pointing out that when Stephen Harper was in opposition in 2004 he asked then governor-general Adrienne Clarkson to consult with he and other opposition leaders if prime minister Paul Martin tried to dissolve his minority government" as if comparing a similar action absolves a current party from wrong doing. I remember when Bob Rae was protesting prorogation on the streets of Toronto before someone pointed out that Bobby prorogued nearly every year of his regime. When Conservatives tried to tar Bob Rae with his own hypocrisy, it was like tar off a duck's back. Yeah, bad joke, I get it.


  1. Oh I doubt the Libs are laughing. The Brit election showed the 'coalition of losers' the errors of their ways.
    Cons should keep bringing it up,
    see how many different answers Iffy will come up with!

    Dippers will be happy to campaign on being 'kingmakers'.

    All those borrowed Dipper votes will leave the soft comfy Liberal rug and go home, to put more NDP in government...
    Dippers would be crazy to go into an arrangement with Libs to not run 308 candidates.
    They may as well unite the left if they are going to go that far.

    So Iffy will have to drag his party even further to the left to suck up to Jack, with no guarantees ......

    About those separatists,
    Jack will not rule out a coalition needing BLOC support, national unity is not even on the NDP radar,
    but what about Iffy?

    Will he consult his caucus this time?
    Or will it be another back room deal and just spring it on the party after the deal is done?

  2. The difference between 2004 and 2008 was SH went/wrote the GG and said if Paul Martin requested the dissolution of parliament, then perhaps she should consider a coalition, or words to that effect. The coalition of losers attempted to overthrow an elected government, no dissolution of the House was mentioned. The media should, just once, get their facts straight.
    And that coalition is alive and well and waiting, but it wont happen.

  3. That is an excellent point Mary! I had never thought of it that way.

  4. Wilson I'm telling you, a Tory-NDP alliance is not going to happen.

  5. I'm just trying to imagine the look on Jack's face when a Conservative-Liberal coalition gets announced and the NDP is on the outside looking in.

    Don't laugh - one of the coalition talking points is that the 'majority rules'. A Liberal-Tory government would have a clear majority - and they aren't that far apart on a lot of issues. Probably closer in some ways than a Liberal-NDP collaboration.
