Saturday, July 10, 2010

G20 Conspiracy Theory

Rumour has it that Oliver Stone is already starting to read scripts about the recent G20 protests in Toronto. The latest theory being formed in the protest community is that actual RCMP officers dressed up in black pajamas to torch their own police cars in an attempt to delegitimize the "legitimate" anti-globalization movement. Once you start down that particular conspiracy path, it is not a stretch to attach some nefarious purpose to Stephen Harper deliberately choosing Toronto so that his agents would have a larger stage when they brazenly attempted to delegitimize the anti-globalization crowd.

I would like to encourage the leftards to continue with these conspiracy theories. It in fact makes them look worse, and I support anything that exposes the lunacy of that ilk. Some people just enjoy blocking traffic, but others have beliefs not shared by the mainstream that they would like to force upon the mainstream. That's the modus operandi of the majority of protesters is to try to make you believe what they believe. Maybe not every anti-globalizationist is an anarchist, but every anarchist is against globalization. Birds of a feather flock together, not RCMP officers dressing up like crows to set fire to public property.

I'm guessing one of these clowns has already started a Facebook group.


  1. If its as bad as Alexander was it should be pretty funny. I agree, make the movie. All these old leftards are losing steam. Its sad but artists seem to lose their edge as they age.

  2. Stephen Harper choose Toronto to let the left hurt themselves as they always do only this time through direct means of their whiny idiot teenagers.... and yeah, when your an anarchist and under the age of thirty you are still a psychologically a teenager. Kinda like how Neverland works. "The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up".

  3. Its not just the G20 chaos that they allowed to justify increased budgets for RCMP and TPS. It was the planned leak of information from CSIS director Fadden to justify the budget of that agency and further erode our civil liberties. The message: Foreigners and those who choose to speak out must watch out.
