Sunday, July 18, 2010

The House Ignatieff Built

Last week Liberal leader Mike Ignatieff made a stop in Cobourg Ontario to help Habitat for Humanity build a house. My first thought; is anyone going to live in that house? I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable moving into a home that Iggy helped build. They even permitted him to operate power tools, a skill I suspect him to be lacking experience in. Given that Iggy has the reverse Midas touch where everything he touches turns to shit. When the home gets a tenant, they should be informed that the phony aristocrat drove nails into the structure and they should therefor report anything out of the ordinary.

I feel like Ignatieff's newfound love of carpentry can be turned into a poll question. Any ideas? What is he qualified to be building? Sand castles?


  1. Is that the same drill with an empty chuck he had earlier, and is that a real spike in his mouth.

  2. A Frat House. Just like last seasons' "Canada's Worst Handyman".


  3. Wot? No safety goggles? What a shabby example the wunderinkd projects. Nonetheless - on with the futility of this season's Lazarus Fale Tour.


  4. A few callouses, bbqing at Webers, a bus trip, small baby steps for Iggy. This is all good.

  5. And after he builds a house,
    Iffy is going to rebuild the crop insurance system.

    It must be because of all that 'conservative weather', farmers are now in dire straits.

    See, it never hailed, flooded, froze nor was there drought,
    no, not when Liberals were in power.
    So Iffy to the rescue, going to go where no Liberal has gone before!!!
    [Sound of trumpets]

    ''...But Ignatieff said it's not clear how much more than $30 per acre the government should cover since the money ultimately comes from taxpayers.''

    If I'm reading this right,
    Iffy doesn't want the taxpayers picking up the tab for farmers, and Crop Insurance (farmers money) should pay for higher premiums.

    BUT, wasn't Iffy against EI premiums covering (increase) the cost of EI benefits?

    never mind.
    Just kidding, if it buys a few rural votes, the money is on the way,
    (once the coalition of losers elects itself)!

    ''Ignatieff said the Liberals are going to fight to get more money for farmers and worries food prices could rise''

    We got us Dithers II, hero of the nation, fix everything, everything is a priority...

  6. What profound insights you've covered with this post ... not. Ignatieff is going to be the best PM in a generation!

  7. Iggy looks pissed that they didn't let him wear a white hard hat.

  8. I see some true Liberal supporter is willing to help out in the photo shoot by placing his hand in the exact location Iggy is just about to drive a srew we won't that bit of first aid on CBC anytime soon.

  9. Iggy isn't white hard hat material. Not even close.


    Awesome Borat reference. Smrt.


  10. Did Mr Ziffy beat up a little girl to get that brain bucket? It is such a bad fit he would get run off a lot of construction sites.

  11. Maybe it is Iffy's swelled head that makes the brain bucket look so small.

    Rob C

  12. I went back to school when I was almost forty.
    And I recognize the look on his face.

    It's the what the fuck am I doing here face.

    I imagine I had that look for the full thirty months that it took me to complete my diploma.
    Yeah, diploma.
    Cause I didn't have the time or the money pursue a degree.
    The opportunity cost gets higher as you get older.
    I figure it cost me over a hundred grand in lost wages to go back to school.
    And then I had to pay for school, too.

    I had two summer jobs over that two and a half years.
    One was making lunches for the air force and the other was sticking my hands down pipes in mostly dry ditches for the gas company.
    And I didn't hate it, but I asked myself every day, what the fuck am I doing here.

    But I did it.
    I finished my jobs and I wrote my exams and I won.

    And then I had to find a job.

    Moving five hundred miles away from my family and friends.

    I am going to stoop low now.
    For everyone in a broken family or from a broken family I have to say that as an adult I could never do that.
    I could never have such an Einsteinian disregard and leave my pre teen age children.
    I could never leave my children at all.
    My trip through life includes my wife and my children.
    And I can't fuck off to pursue any whims or flights or fancies without them.

    I don't respect any man who did.

  13. Does he know if the nail heads are on the right end?
