Monday, September 13, 2010

Do You Know How To Read?

Today's poll question; do you know how to read? After the recent comments by Iggy's former chief of staff (who recruited him away from Boston and into Canadian politics) that people who buy Sun newspapers don't know how to read; I'd like to figure out what percentage of my readers know how to read. If you are unable to read the text on the screen in front of you, hopefully you can find a Liberal somewhere close by to read it for you. I know that the Blogging Tories likely share some readers with the Sun newspapers, so if this myth is true maybe we should start recording audio versions of our blogs? How else do you tap into that audience of readers who don't know how to read?

All joking aside, I think this illustrates how Liberal elites generally look down upon the common folk. I would imagine that this tone of dialogue is quite common at Liberal cocktail parties.


  1. I think the guy just forgot he wasn't at a progressive party where they would have laughed at his comment in agreement with him.

  2. I think the more important point is the following - if you read do you understand?

  3. A student, who had graduated from university with a Liberal Arts degree, returned home. His mother prepared his favorite dinner in celebration, roast chicken. She roasted two chickens and when they sat at the table the father asked the young man what he had learned at university. The young man replied "here we have one chicken and here we have a second chicken. One and two make three."
    The father said, "excellent, your mother and I will have the first two chickens and you may have the third."
    Liberals may be able to read this but can they understand it and read into it?

  4. I like looking at the pictures... if I had the ability to read, and understand what I read, than I might be upset with what this Davey dip-shit had to say about citizens who don't vote for the Librano/Separatist party. Unfortunately, I am unable to read or write, so I guess I'll just keep voting for the Conservatives, looking at the pretty pictures, and believing that Liberals like Davey are a pack of insufferable, douche bags.

  5. Sorry, can't answer your poll. The possible answers should have included "yes", "no" and "undecided".

  6. Hmm, well besides not being able to read, my conservative husband also clubs me over the head and drags me off into our cave every night. I also make our dinners in a cast iron pot over a fire in our backyard. After finding out about Iggy's comments we all beat our chests and grunted out loud too.... geeze.

  7. Yes, but Renegade, think how much you save not having to buy shoes.
