Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jesse Ventura's Mental Disorder

Yesterday on the anniversary of 9/11, I watched a documentary by Jesse "the body" Ventura on OLN trying to make the case that the terrorist attack was actually carried out by the Bush administration. I am curious if there are any mental health professionals out there who can diagnose his specific mental disorder, because after watching his doc, I can come to no other conclusion than the man suffers from some form of mental defect. He is completely consumed by this conspiracy theory. At one point he suggests that there is a type of paint that burns at over a thousand degrees which was applied by the government inside the buildings to melt the steel and collapse the buildings. If this was not enough, he goes on to suggest that the government has painted this explosive paint inside buildings all over the country. He looked into the camera with a frightening glance and said "it could be everywhere".

I'd like to know his official psychiatric diagnosis, because this man is not grounded in reality. Is he schizophrenic? Bipolar? Or just plain stupid?


  1. hehe Just plain stupid I think. He's never met a conspiracy he didn't believe. He think AGW is a conspiracy but he's wrong there too. It's no conspiracy, its more like a cult. Its like a pile of Venturas got to gether and started preaching. They mean well in their hearts, but they are still wrong. Its different from just lying about it. Of course there will alwaays be a powerful few who feel they need to lie nd cheat to get the agenda through. Its all for the greater good in their eyes.

  2. And he uses the typical "smoking gun" of building 7 talking about how it fell in 7 seconds.

    Anybody who watches the countless videos of WTC7 showing the Penthouse level can clearly see that the Penthouse collapsed into the building a full 8 to 10 seconds before the rest came down. That means the collapse lasted somewhere between 15 and 18 seconds.

    And the building didn't come down straight. Of course it looks that way in videos taken from the angle the building fell away from! But when you see it from above and from the opposite sides and when you look at the debris field when the smoke cleared right after it happened it is plain as day that the building did not fall symmetrically in any way, shape or form.

    9/11 conspiracy theorists can only make things stick by ignoring the obvious.

  3. Bush Derangement Syndrome, obviously!

  4. Jesse landed on his head a few too many times back when he had a useful job.

  5. Scary to believe that this guy was a governor.

  6. I think Jesse took one too many shots to the head during his wrestling career.
