Friday, October 15, 2010

What Is The Ideal Retirement Age?

Today's poll question; what do you think is the ideal age to retire? On one hand it is advantageous to maximize lifetime earnings, but people also want to be able to enjoy their "declining years". According to the leader of the Liberal Party, your "declining years" start somewhere from 60-63. Jim Traverse once asked if the leader of the Liberal party decided to enter politics in his declining years. Frankly nobody wants to be like Traverse trying to hang on as their skills erode at age 62, as a 63 year old Ignatieff once pointed out.

So when do you think is the ideal age to retire? Should Iggy be considering retirement? The Prime Minister is 51 and just entering his prime.


  1. Retirement age should be what you choose. As well, there shouldn't be a mandatory pension plan. If I don't feel like paying for a public pension, I shouldn't have to.

  2. Ignatieff is in his declining year,he's even older than ME!

    Just what we need in the PM's office, an over-the-hill "intellectual". Given half a chance,I'm sure he can completely ruin this Country.


  3. I agree with redensign. It is a personal choice. We all need to make life choices as to when we want to retire, how well we want to live during those years, and how much we are willing to sacrifice (ie. save) for our retirement during our working years. However, it should be 100% a personal choice and 100% a personal responsibility to prepare for it.

  4. Having retired a year ago, my time was when I was ready. Retire when your investments, Canada Pension and old age security add up to a value greater than what is needed to live on. My retirement present is 6 weeks in Hawaii ... Aloha

  5. Many of the retirement calculators on the Internet do not fit the plan of many Boomers and that is to continue to work after retirement. Income from a retirement job can have a very positive impact on your retirement finances.
