Saturday, November 6, 2010

Government Creating Jobs

After listening to some of the left wing commentary after Obama's massive defeat in midterm elections, the blame seems to be that he did not create enough jobs. It got me to thinking, how exactly should government be "creating jobs"? The government will get the blame if there are a loss of jobs, but other than overpaid jobs working for the government, how do we expect our elected officials to engage in the job making business? There are stimulus projects which take tax dollars and spreads it among workers, but that generally leads to deficits. In a market collapse it can serve the same purpose of providing morphine to a critically injured patient, but it doesn't fix anything.

The best way that the government can create jobs is to create a competitive business environment that encourages growth and employment. The best way for the government to create jobs is not for them to create more government jobs, it is to free business to hire more workers. So if the Dems lost Congress because their pundits claim Obama did not create enough jobs, what do they think Barry should do going forward?


  1. The government is fully capable of creating jobs. It is not, however, capable of creating the wealth required to sustain those jobs. Historically, the only thing governments are capable of doing is either destroying wealth or redistributing it. Anytime wealth is taken from another who then gives it away to those that didn't earn it, there is still overhead and waste within the government system that makes the final amount of wealth less than the original amount of wealth.

  2. Really, anonymous? that's all you have? Is to call the poster a loser?
