Saturday, November 13, 2010

Zero Emission Car Hits Zero Emission Cyclist

To quote Alanic Morrissette, "isn't it ironic, don't you think?" Vancouver was hosting an International event running electric cars, and one of them hit a cyclist. The spokesperson for the event said "It’s like a dog running off the curb right in front of you". I offer my best wishes to the cyclist who was taken to hospital in serious condition, and I hope that man makes a full recovery. It is ironic that cars that are being championed and showcased to save the planet (despite possibly running on coal fired electricity in most places) would have a serious incident at an international event with the most truly emissionless mode of transportation.

By the way, I drive a car daily through the streets and highways of greater Vancouver, and cyclists who think they are cars with more rights than pedestrians are a very serious problem. It was not nearly this bad when I commuted in Ontario, but it seems there are far more provocative cyclists in Vancouver. They often ride in the middle of the road, ride dangerously, and on the last Friday of every month militant cyclists gang up to clog traffic through the downtown core. One of my golfing buddies is a hardcore leftist, and he loathes Vancouver cyclists.


  1. From the pictures the guy looked to be a member a Vancouver's most cherished underdog groups (holes in the bottom of his shoes). They can cycle wherever they damn well feel like it!

  2. The documentary "who killed the electric car" had many of the commenters in it bragging about how silent the car was.

    silent... until you hit someone!

    quieter cars are certainly welcome but near-silent?

    With all the ugly/shoddily designed windmills "power" around they they would of opt instead to of place small tubular ones on cars instead.

    charge your car's battery a little while you drive?
    make 'em less ugly and horizontal. since wind doesn't often blow vertically as it does horizontally....................................................

    idk, just thought.
