Wednesday, April 27, 2011

5 More Sleeps Until E-Day

In just 5 nights sleep Canada will be voting in a federal election. While parties scramble to win votes this week, a large chunk of the Canadian electorate has already voted. Just how much room is left for gain? Special ballots and advanced polls are closed until May 2nd, as early voting numbers increased substantially since the last election. If early voting favours the parties with momentum, then the NDP are sitting in a very comfortable position while the Liberals should be messing their adult diapers. Ignatieff's fate is likely already decided, as his party lays the stage for the regime of Bob Rae. Fortunately I think Bobby will have 4 years to get ready for the next election.

As Iggy once said "if you mess with me, I will mess with you until I'm done". Well Mike, the end is nigh.


  1. The real threat to Canadian Democracy (Soros, Avaaz, unions, media, etc):

    Folks, there's only 3 days to get the word out if you come to the same conclusion that I do.

  2. I heard Iggy has his airline ticket booked for May 3, back to Harvard.

  3. A caller to Dave R said if Layton wins we can sleep like babies-waking up every hour and crying.

  4. Local Imam telling over 1000 people at mosque in Winnipeg to not vote Conservative. Hope they don't listen.

